News and Resources
A group of businesspeople smile while carpooling together
Blog, Carpooling

Congratulations if you’ve decided to cut costs and reduce your carbon footprint by carpooling to work on a regular basis. With prices at the pump on the rise, you’ll reach…
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A team of businesspeople wave at the camera during an online meeting
Blog, Teleworking

Need some pointers to look even better on Zoom, especially now that you’re teleworking? We’re guessing you already know not to wear stripes and patterns and earrings that jingle so…
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A man logs onto a video conference
Blog, Teleworking

Working remotely with your employees, you’ve surely Zoomed. In fact, we use Zoom as a noun, adjective and verb without thinking about it. “I’ll set up a Zoom.” “In our…
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A woman stretches her arms before working at her computer
Blog, Teleworking

Welcome to your office, which in today’s telecommuting world means another part of your home. Here’s what’s great about that. You’re leaving that creaky swivel chair and stuffy cubicle not…
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A laptop on a table next to a sign that reads "Work from home"
Blog, Teleworking

Admit it. If you’re a manager of telecommuting employees, you’ve had momentary lapses when you wonder if they’re scarfing Doritos in front of a “Law and Order” rerun. But seriously,…
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A woman works on her laptop during an online video conference
Blog, Teleworking

Years ago, telecommuting seemed like a rare privilege offered to a few, until the COVID-19 pandemic forced businesses to reevaluate how to stay afloat. What started as a Band-Aid solution…
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A man wearing a button down shirt, tie, and pajama pants gives a thumbs-up while attending an online video conference from home
Blog, Teleworking

Interested in teleworking, but aren’t sure if your job is suitable for it, ask yourself the following questions? Do you take work home with you in the evenings? Do you…
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A man wearing earbuds works on his laptop from home while his daughter sits next to him
Blog, Teleworking

As the nation, Virginia and the Middle Peninsula region started reacting to the COVID-19 crisis in the spring of 2020, many employees found themselves working from home – teleworking and…
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A woman looks at her laptop while working from home
Blog, Teleworking

Are you thinking about asking your boss if you can start teleworking, and even more so, wondering if you are cut out for it? Thanks to Telework!VA and its resources,…
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A man wearing earbuds talks during an online video conference
Blog, Employer Resources, Teleworking

Thinking about implementing a telework program at your company? Perhaps you’re an employee and considering asking your boss for permission to telecommute a few days a week. A tried-and-true best…
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MidPenRideShare is a free service operated by the Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission for residents, workers, commuters, and tourists in Virginia’s Middle peninsula (Counties of Essex, Gloucester, King and Queen, King William, Mathews, and Middlesex and the towns of Tappahannock, Urbanna, and West Point).
The Commission has partnered with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) and their Virginia-wide ConnectingVA program to provide free ridematching to find carpools, vanpools, and all forms of public transportation, trip planning, and information on park-and-ride lots, bike share services, electric vehicle charging stations, and rewards.