News and Resources
A group of women wearing sunglasses have fun while driving a convertible
Blog, Carpooling

While not all of us can realistically carpool or ride a bike to work, we can still find ways to change our driving habits to support a cleaner, healthier environment….
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A woman looks at her phone in the backseat of a car
Blog, Carpooling, Vanpooling

Liven up your car or van pool by adding in some fun from one of several apps that can spice up the same old ride to and from work. Before…
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A young boy holding a teddy bear points at a computer screen with graphs while his mother works
Blog, News, Teleworking

If the pandemic changed the way you do your job, you’re not alone. Before COVID-19 became a part of everyday conversation, only 7% of the employed worked primarily from home…
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A woman checks her cellphone while working on her laptop
Blog, Carpooling, News, Teleworking

When you go green during your commute to and from work, you save on gas and wear and tear on your vehicle. You reduce your carbon footprint. If you choose…
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A shop window with a sign reading "Welcome to Mathews"
Blog, News

You don’t have to be a hardcore cyclist to join the ride at the Tour de Chesapeake, when Mathews County invites families to explore the banks of the Bay on…
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traffic jam in a city street road
Blog, Carpooling, News

We can’t promise a smooth commute to and from work at peak hours. But by arming yourself with as much information as possible, you can do your best to avoid…
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Sign for Student Drop off and Pick Up Area against brick wall
Blog, Carpooling, News

Organizing a carpool when the kiddos go back to school is not just a green idea. In addition to saving on gas and wear on your car, it gives you…
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Lights on a police car flashing red and blue
Blog, Carpooling, News

Move over. We’re not talking about making room for another on the couch. Move over when you’re on the road when you see blinking lights. Lots of drivers aren’t aware…
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A woman checks her cellpone
Blog, News

The Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission received nearly 1,300 responses from its recent survey that asked residents 25 questions about their commuting habits to and from work. Among the key…
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A man and a woman talk while driving in a car
Blog, Carpooling, Employer Resources

Chances are you stay in your lane as it relates to how your employees get to work. But with skyrocketing fuel costs and all of us needing to do our…
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MidPenRideShare is a free service operated by the Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission for residents, workers, commuters, and tourists in Virginia’s Middle peninsula (Counties of Essex, Gloucester, King and Queen, King William, Mathews, and Middlesex and the towns of Tappahannock, Urbanna, and West Point).
The Commission has partnered with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) and their Virginia-wide ConnectingVA program to provide free ridematching to find carpools, vanpools, and all forms of public transportation, trip planning, and information on park-and-ride lots, bike share services, electric vehicle charging stations, and rewards.