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Blog, Employer Resources, Teleworking

Thinking about implementing a telework program at your company? Perhaps you’re an employee and considering asking your boss for permission to telecommute a few days a week.

A tried-and-true best practice for ensuring all parties feel comfortable with exploring a telework program and then implementing it is to craft a Company/Employee Telework Agreement that clearly details the teleworking arrangement.

If you are looking to draft one of your own, consider including teh following points provided by Telework!VA.

  1. Specific remote work location (include address of employee residence, telework center, or satellite office)
  2. Work phone number and fax (if applicable)
  3. Description of work space at remote location
  4. Telecommuting schedule
  5. On a weekly basis as follows (enter details here about what will occur while teleworking each week):
  6. On a monthly basis as follows (enter details here about what will occur while teleworking each month):
  7. Regular telework work hours: From _______ to _________  (be sure to include estimated times for meal and other breaks)
  8. Description of the activities and functions to be completed by teleworker
  9. Frequency of communication with company (i.e., check voice mail, e-mail, etc.)
  10. Productivity requirements or expectations (if applicable)
  11. Company assets to be used at remote work location (description, ID number, and value)
  12. Company information systems to be accessed from remote work location (list)
  13. Non-company services, equipment, software, and data to be used at remote work location (list)
  14. Equipment services to be provided by the teleworker
  15. Security measures to be used by teleworker and expectations (virus protection and frequency of program updates, use of personal firewalls for computer, shredding company documents, etc.)
  16. Expectations of childcare for infants or young children during work hours
  17. Obligation to comply with company rules, policies and procedures while teleworking
  18. Employee and supervisor signatures and date

Want to get more tips for teleworking? Click the headlines below to read more.

Will you be a good teleworker?

How to Telework Successfully

How to Ask Your Boss For Permission to Telework

FAQs About Setting Up a Telework Program 


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