Category: Teleworking

A man wearing earbuds talks during an online video conference
Blog, Employer Resources, Teleworking

Thinking about implementing a telework program at your company? Perhaps you’re an employee and considering asking your boss for permission to telecommute a few days a week. A tried-and-true best…
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A man checks his cellphone while working on his laptop in his kitchen
Blog, Teleworking

Telecommuting. Teleworking. Whatever you call it, it’s more than just working from home. “It takes self-discipline, self-motivation and effective time management skills,” advises Telework!VA. Want some tips for setting up…
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A man works on his laptop while his dog sits on the floor beside him
Blog, Teleworking

So you’re driving over an hour each way to get to work each day…just to sit at a computer that you also have at your house. You’ve seen other friends…
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A woman works on her tablet on her couch at home
Blog, Employer Resources, Teleworking

Officially speaking, to telework is to work at any alternative location other than your central worksite, on a full or part-time basis during the time when you would normally be…
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A woman takes notes on a notepad during an online video conference
Blog, Teleworking

“Good manners reflect something from inside – an innate sense of consideration for others and respect for self.” -Emily Post Emily Post probably wasn’t thinking about teleworking when she said…
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The Middle Peninsula Rideshare Commuter Services – MidPenRideShare – are provided by the Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission’s Transportation Demand Management Program in conjunction with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation. This program exists to assist persons who are seeking transportation alternatives to commuting within and from the Middle Peninsula area.