A laptop on a table next to a sign that reads "Work from home"
Blog, Teleworking

With gas prices nearing $5 a gallon (as of this writing in June 2022), your commute to work is becoming a bigger headache than it used to be.

Joining a carpool or biking to the job isn’t an option for you and you know it.

But working remotely would not only save you money, it would also add precious time back to your day. You’re convinced your work won’t suffer. In fact, you believe it will improve.

How do you convince your boss that remote working will be a plus for both of you?

It might be that simple. Remote working is here to stay, according to a recent Forbes article that cites statistics that say 25% of all professional jobs in North America will be remote by the end of 2022, a number that will rise through 2023. Schedule a sit-down with your boss and ask to work remotely at least part of the time.

Be ready with a case. Consider how you will communicate with the rest of your coworkers. A strong wifi connection is essential as are a laptop or desktop outfitted with all the technology you need. Think out all the resources you will require to telecommute before you begin the conversation with your employer. Remember, it’s imperative to show that you are able to safeguard propriety information.

Stress productivity. Without the stress of the drive to and from the office, you will have more flexibility in your day to perform your daily tasks at times that work best for you. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, if you feel you can be more productive at offbeat hours and your job offers that kind of flexibility, you will likely be far more productive at home. Exceed expectations and ask for additional responsibility if at all possible.

Don’t shut out the office. Be open to engaging in priority meetings and team activities even if they happen to fall on the days you typically plan to work remotely.

Note you’ll never be late, and you’ll likely be absent far less due to illness. You won’t be picking up office germs and your improved stress levels should lead to improved overall wellness.

The proof is in the pudding. Ask for a trial run to show your boss how well you can excel working from home and more importantly, how good it is for the company, too. Staying connected is critical during your test run as is demonstrating that you are, in fact, achieving from home at the same or a higher level than you were chained to your office desk. If your boss is reluctant, limit your test to one or two days a week.

Some employers are old school. If your request is denied, ask what you might do to at least make remote working an option on a limited basis in the future. Set a time to revisit the topic and by all means, don’t let your work reflect your disappointment. Keep your eye out for remote positions, too, if you don’t see your current situation changing.

MidPenRideShare is a free service operated by the Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission for residents, workers, commuters, and tourists in Virginia’s Middle peninsula (Counties of Essex, Gloucester, King and Queen, King William, Mathews, and Middlesex and the towns of Tappahannock, Urbanna, and West Point).
The Commission has partnered with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) and their Virginia-wide ConnectingVA program to provide free ridematching to find carpools, vanpools, and all forms of public transportation, trip planning, and information on park-and-ride lots, bike share services, electric vehicle charging stations, and rewards.