A man and a woman gives thumbs-ups from the backseat of a car
Blog, Carpooling, News

Raise your hand if you like to save money.

Even carpooling one day a week, adds up. You save by:

Splitting Costs: By carpooling, you can share the costs of fuel, parking fees, tolls and maintenance expenses with other passengers. This significantly reduces the financial burden on each individual.

Reduced Wear and Tear: Sharing the driving responsibilities among multiple people means your vehicle will experience less wear and tear over time. This can lead to lower maintenance and repair costs in the long run.

Lower Insurance Premiums: Some insurance companies offer discounts for carpooling since it can reduce the number of miles you drive annually. Check with your insurance provider to see if you’re eligible for any discounts.

Potential for Using HOV Lanes: In some areas, carpooling allows you to use High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes, which can help you save time and money by avoiding traffic congestion.

Employer Reimbursement: Some employers reimburse for carpooling expenses. Check with your employer and see if your local tax regulations have any specific rules regarding employee reimbursements. Often carpool reimbursement is considered a non-taxable fringe benefit.

MidPenRideShare is a free service operated by the Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission for residents, workers, commuters, and tourists in Virginia’s Middle peninsula (Counties of Essex, Gloucester, King and Queen, King William, Mathews, and Middlesex and the towns of Tappahannock, Urbanna, and West Point).
The Commission has partnered with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) and their Virginia-wide ConnectingVA program to provide free ridematching to find carpools, vanpools, and all forms of public transportation, trip planning, and information on park-and-ride lots, bike share services, electric vehicle charging stations, and rewards.